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Science and the Senedd/Gwyddoniaeth a鈥檙 Senedd 2023

13 June 2023, Cardiff, United Kingdom

The 新加坡六合彩官网's nineteeth annual Science and the Senedd will be held at the Senedd and the Pierhead, Cardiff Bay, from 12.30pm to 7.30pm, on Tuesday 13 June 2023.

Designed to foster close relations with policy makers and key stakeholders, Science and the Senedd is organised on behalf of, and in cooperation with, the Welsh science and engineering community. 

The theme for 2023 will be based on STEM driving the economy. Do we have the STEM workforce for the future?

Croeso i Gwyddoniaeth a鈥檙 Senedd 2023

Croeso i鈥檙 19fed Gwyddoniaeth a鈥檙 Senedd, a drefnir gan y Gymdeithas Gemeg Frenhinol (yGGF) ar ran cymunedau gwyddonol a pheirianyddol Cymru.

Dyma fydd fy ymweliad cyntaf ag adeilad hardd y Senedd ac mae鈥檔 anrhydedd i mi gael eich cyfarch yn bersonol. Cymerwn gyfarfod wyneb yn wyneb fel hyn bron yn ganiataol yn dilyn y cyfarfodydd ar-lein a鈥檙 digwyddiadau rhithiol pan roedd Covid ar ei waethaf.

Ond i un sector o gymdeithas, mae effeithiau misoedd y cyfnod clo a鈥檙 cyfyngiadau yn dal i gael eu teimlo. 

Mae carfan o bobl ifanc, o ysgol feithrin at addysg uwch, wedi gorfod ymdopi a newid i ddysgu ar-lein gydag effeithiau posib ar gyrhaeddiad ac iechyd meddwl, effeithiau na wyddom ar hyn o bryd 鈥 tra bod ein prifysgolion a鈥檔 colegau yn parhau i deimlo effaith ariannol colli blwyddyn academaidd a mwy.

Felly, mae鈥檔 briodol bod addysg wrth wraidd ein thema eleni - STEM yn gyrru鈥檙 economi.  Sut ydyn ni鈥檔 cynhyrchu gweithlu STEM sydd yn ddiau ei angen i yrru ein heconomi a datrys y materion sydd yn wynebu鈥檙 byd heddiw?

Wrth gwrs mae鈥檙 ateb yn amlweddog 鈥 o gymorth i athrawon i weithio ar wneud ein   cwricwlwm yn berthnasol ac addas i鈥檙 dyfodol, ac i greu llwybrau drwy addysg ac academia i mewn i ddiwydiant yn hygyrch i bawb yn ein cymdeithas.

Rwy鈥檔 edrych ymlaen at weld sut y gallwn gydweithio i fynd i鈥檙 afael 芒 heriau o鈥檙 fath a rhyddhau potensial llawn gwyddoniaeth ac arloesi yng Nghymru.

Cawn glywed gan arbenigwyr o bob rhan o gymuned STEM ac wrth lunwyr polisi ar draws y sbectrwm gwleidyddol. Rydym yn arbennig o ffodus bod Vaughan Gething AS, Gweinidog yr Economi, yn ymuno 芒 ni, a bydd yn siarad yn ein derbyniad gyda鈥檙 nos.

Hoffwn ddiolch i鈥檔 holl siaradwyr a phanelwyr, ynghyd 芒鈥檔 partneriaid o鈥檙 gymdeithas wyddonol ac academaidd.

Rydym hefyd yn dra diolchgar i David Rees AS, Dirprwy Lywydd y Senedd, a Chadeirydd Gr诺p Trawsbleidiol y Senedd ar STEMM am noddi鈥檙 digwyddiad yma, ynghyd 芒 chynrychiolwyr o鈥檙 pleidiau gwleidyddol.

Mae鈥檙 ystod o sefydliadau a chynrychiolwyr sydd yn ymuno 芒 ni heddiw yn datgan  nid yn unig am gryfder y gymuned STEM yng Nghymru, ond hefyd am yr ymgysylltu agos rhwng y gymuned wyddonol a鈥檙 Senedd.

Yr Athro Gill Reid 
Llywydd y Gymdeithas Gemeg Frenhinol

Welcome to Science and the Senedd 2023

Welcome to the 19th annual Science and the Senedd, organised by the 新加坡六合彩官网 (新加坡六合彩官网) on behalf of the Welsh scientific and engineering communities.

This will be my first visit to the beautiful Senedd building and I鈥檓 honoured to be able to address you in person. Such face-to-face encounters have become something we almost take for granted following the online meetings and virtual events of the height of the Covid pandemic.

But for one sector of society, the effects of months of lockdown and restrictions are still being felt.  

A cohort of young people, from nursery school to higher education, had to cope with a switch to online learning with potential impacts on attainment and mental health as yet unknown to us 鈥 while our universities and colleges continue to feel the financial impact of the loss of an academic year and more.

So it鈥檚 right that education is at the heart of our theme this year - STEM driving the economy. How do we produce the STEM workforce we undoubtedly need to drive our economy and solve the big issues the world faces today?

Of course the answer is multi-faceted 鈥 from support for teachers to work on making our curriculum relevant and fit for the future, to creating pathways through education and academia and into industry which everyone in our society can access.

I look forward to exploring how we can work together to address such challenges and unleash the full potential of science and innovation in Wales.

We will hear from experts from across the STEM community and policymakers from across the political spectrum. We are particularly fortunate to be joined by Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Economy, who will speak at our evening reception.

I would like to thank all of our speakers and panellists, along with our scientific society and academic partners.

We are also most grateful to David Rees MS, Deputy Presiding Officer of the Senedd, and Chair of the Senedd鈥檚 Cross-Party Group on STEMM for sponsoring this event, along with representatives of the political parties.

The range of organisations and delegates joining us today speaks not only to the strength of the STEM community in Wales, but also to the close engagement between the scientific community and the Senedd.

Professor Gill Reid  
President of the 新加坡六合彩官网
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
Senedd and Pierhead

Senedd and Pierhead, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF10 4PZ, United Kingdom

Contact information
Events Team
Thomas Graham House,
Science Park,
Milton Road,
+44 (0) 1223 432509
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