ࡱ> 685Y bjbj[[ :"9 \9 \~ WWWWWkkk84kx | "+++  $!$ W" WW++2 EEEW+W+EEEE+L"EH 0x E%X%EE&%WkxE  Ex % M : Title: Bold Times New Roman 14 pt, centered 15.6 pt exactly spaced Name SURNAME, a) Name SURNAME, b) Name SURNAME,b) (presenting author underlined) a) Affiliation, street, zip code, City, Country b) Affiliation, street, zip code, City, Country presenting author e-mail Please use Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, 15.6 pt exactly spaced, first row 1cm for the text of your abstract. You might also add formulae, tables and images (grey scaled with white background). Citations in the text by order of appearance, in square brackets [1, 2], [35] Page size and margins must not be changed. The maximum abstract length is two pages (including references and acknowledgement). Schemes and Figures: use font and symbols large enough to be readable. Authors are responsible for the placement and appearance of graphic. The use of colours is allowed. Abstracts for both oral contributions and posters should be submitted until April 6th 2020 by e-mail to  HYPERLINK "mailto:ismec2020@uv.es" ismec2020@uv.es after registration is complete. From April 7th only abstracts for posters will be considered. Both the pdf and the editable Word file (in doc or docx formats) must be sent. Files should be named according to "Surname_name_abstract.extension", where the family name and name corresponds to the presenting author. References: [1] A. Black, B. White, C. Green, D.-W. Brown, Journal Year, volume (issue), 10-15. [2] J. Brown, A. Black, Title of Book section. In Book Title, B. Green, R. J. White, Eds. Publisher: City, 2010, Vol. 15, pp 13-15. [3] L.T. Brown, R. Green, Title of the book. Publisher: City, 2010, Vol. 15, pp. 565. Please do not insert references with automatic tools.     International Symposium on Metal Complexes 2020 June 8th 12th 2020, Valencia (Spain) PAGE  PAGE 1  DJMRUV[^bcflostvḪƝԝƝrarQAhZhI6CJ]mH sH hZh/?g6CJ]mH sH !hZh>{6CJH*]mH sH hZh>{6CJ]mH sH hZhr>*CJmH sH hZhKCJmH sH hZhrCJmH sH hZhk2>*CJmH sH hZh>{>*CJmH sH hZh>{CJH*mH sH hZhk2CJmH sH hZh>{CJmH sH "hZh>{5CJ\aJmH sH ,DE  R S  P Q , - 7d`7gd36F $da$gd9 7d`7gd.cndgdr -d]-gd/?g $da$gdr $da$gd/?g    & 2 3 > ξ𮞮Ʉ{mH sH hZh>{5mH sH hZhrmH sH hZhr5mH sH hZh.cnCJmH sH hZhZCJmH sH hZhPCJmH sH hZh>{CJmH sH hZhr6CJ]mH sH hZh>{6CJ]mH sH hZhI6CJ]mH sH !hZh>{6CJH*]mH sH !hZhK6CJH*]mH sH hZh/?g6CJ]mH sH > E R S   O P Q ^ a ѮѣѮчym`R`E`EhZhICJmH sH hZh36FCJ\mH sH hZh36FCJmH sH hZh-5mH sH hZh95H*mH sH hZh95mH sH hZh90J5CJmH sH h#5CJmH sH $jhZh95CJUmH sH hZh95CJH*mH sH hZh95CJmH sH hZhImH sH hZh>{mH sH hZhZmH sH  ) * + , - 9 : > A H K \ ] ^ a i q ٲ{l]l]l]l]lK"hZh>{6CJ]aJmH sH hZh/?gCJaJmH sH hZh>{CJaJmH sH hZh>{5aJmH sH hZh-5aJmH sH hZhY635CJmH sH hZhrCJmH sH hZhlECJmH sH hZh-CJmH sH hZhMhCJmH sH hZh36FCJmH sH hZhICJmH sH hZh.cnCJmH sH - : h   h]hgdZ( &`#$gd>{$a$gdP$a$gdZ( 7d`7gdms7d^7`gdrdgd-q u v "%,=PTUhp}ϮϞϮϞϏxtxtxtxth#jh#UhZhmsCJaJmH sH hZhuGCJaJmH sH hZh>{5CJaJmH sH "hZh>{6CJ]aJmH sH hZh/?gCJaJmH sH hZh>{CJaJmH sH hZh>{CJ\aJmH sH "hZh/?g5CJ\aJmH sH &    ǶǶǧnj[hZh>{CJaJmH sH h#'jhKB*UmHnHphtH uhg\0JmHnHu hK0J h#0JjhK0JUhKhPhKB*OJQJph h9h9B*H*OJQJphh9B*OJQJphh95B*OJQJphhP5B*OJQJph hPhP5B*OJQJph 7d`7gdmsh]hgdZ(80p1:pZ(. A!"#$% "sh6866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ _HmH nH sH tH T`T Normal$d*$a$CJKH_HaJmH sH tHj2j !PTtulo 3"$ddd*$@&[$\$a$5CJKH\aJmH sH tH NA`N Fuente de prrafo predeter.ViV  Tabla normal :V 44 la ,k , Sin lista NA N Fuente de prrafo predeter.6/6 ListLabel 1PJ^JZ"Z Intestazione1 x$OJQJCJPJ^JaJJB"J Texto independiente x&/!2& ListaLBL Didascalia1 xx $CJ6aJ],R, Indice $(Oqb( Stile1\>@\ Puesto & F$a$<OJQJCJ 5KH^JaJ \BJ"B  Subttulo$a$CJ6aJ]`C` Sangra de texto normald^]`CJVRV Sangra 2 de t. independienteB @B Z( Pie de pgina  !8)@8 Z(Nmero de pgina<@< Z( Encabezado  !<U`< r Hipervnculo >*B*phNV N eBKHipervnculo visitado >*B* ph>W > 36F`Texto en negrita5\>/> P Ttulo 3 Car5CJ\aJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V>Aީ^W*6qz֫F0Ҕ4;]?j[V^_+PD+P7WW_KW7 RnK~,GC&^›ׯW2+̆|v.&,Z HQrgLCx33ͥJ_ԕH h|>JL܏A^g'9yϩ# իɧ_Ͼ{+;_aϟ?xltÇ$ܹ,AvݢO9'B}m(:،$2*bj2 \QD!HHLO1eNo9\O`ZүӾOL9C.; BlC?)L\!M(Ni5Aybě;X Jj@ =H|ɺ:oXFu^늺&pdLοvwb9VnJ['GN7ȴABn& Ux0[Q^x\7W)5P,WÊFo8kn]h+[0eFhr' [^Dl$tEYf ]4JtR5CIr@c![pn5AV9Hd<ӮH*>g6tsɲ̯eDŽןr1ϙߴܲdڎ,ٳ۷<+)騻<]6fLeՃjTӼjVӍd4\LCUdմò lE^c 1K§ҽ.֭ͥ*goP4j j KZڱ)ޤHhŧtFX3U~[4Y+Uɇ~4xt# R  @UT6`Ҁ+g{䷽RW*4vjKNFe?=uç(^TKvaĢ"S*EE\+Kz JYmvjf/xN jBԻn7s^x^P+A$FP*Wo7z^A«xPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!8#3theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] " do}}}> q  -  Xdkovx!!@  @ (  \B  S D"?0(  B S  ?zu$u _Hlt29825646@!#+13luCE   >EAc[{XWQ%}I ij #Fi-GgUIg\o )Y63386'8b9_@E36FuGjHHeBKfM NOPQ@KRTsYW2_9f5g/?gMh.cnq2qrIv>{lq/g_~qcUyZKr9C.ms"[Z(rN k2lE]6gwr6