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Reference should be made to the instructions for making a Risk Assessment in the current School Safety Manual.Name of Individual : Dr F S Mair Date of assessment: 03 December 2011 Status of Individuals: Academic Staff Revision date: 03 December 2012 Laboratory/Room number 1.065Activity being assessed: Demonstration Lecture involving generation of smoke and intense light Flash Bang / Solids, liquids and gases Known or foreseeable hazards associated with the activity: Preparation Generation and handling of liquefied gases (nitrogen and oxygen), handling dry ice (cold burns, asphyxiation (nitrogen and dry ice) (lecturer and assistant) Electric shock (lecturer) Contact with chemicals (lecturer, assistant) Handling glassware Transport Manual handling of materials from the preparation area to the vehicle awkward twisting, reaching, heavy/complicated loads and in reverse Slips, trips falls Asphyxiation Involvement in accident Fire Set-up Manual handling of demonstration lecture materials, floor and other surface protections Handling glassware Venue Fire (all occupants) Slips and trips (lecturer, assistant) Asphyxiation (audience, lecturer, assistant, other occupants of the room) Layout of room, additional fire protection/ventilation needed Induction loop/hearing assistance Audience People vulnerable to smoke or bright lights asthmatics, epileptics etc. People using hearing aids/induction loop Proximity of audience to display bright lights, bangs and being struck with possible airborne detritus Presentation 20) Loud bangs causing temporary hearing difficulty (lecturer, assistant and audience) Flashes of intense light (lecturer, assistant, audience) causing temporary vision difficulties (welders flash) Smoke inhalation (lecturer, assistant and audience) Burns (lecturer, assistant and audience) Handling of liquefied gases (nitrogen and oxygen), handling dry ice (cold burns, asphyxiation (nitrogen and dry ice) (lecturer and assistant) Electric shock (lecturer) Slips, trips and falls (lecturer, assistant) Contact with chemicals (lecturer, assistant) Fire - as the smoke detectors have to be disabled prior to the lecture (affecting all building occupants) Clear-up Manual handling strains (Lecturer and assistant) Fire (All building occupants)) Slips, trips and falls (lecturer, assistant) Contact with chemicals (lecturer, assistant) Possible contact with soot (lecturer, assistant, cleaners)The risk of injury high (H), medium (M), low (L) and its severity likely to arise from these hazards: Medium risk, with possibility of 1-3 day injury Who is at risk? Lecturer, assistant, audience, cleaners Control measures to be taken to reduce the level of risk: General - Lecturer and assistant should wear safety glasses, and protective gloves to avoid cold burns from handling of liquefied gases/ solid CO2. Local exhaust ventilation switched on, where available. Thoroughly ventilate area in the event of an emergency. Ensure there is an emergency spill kit to hand. Handling of nitrogen in gaseous and liquefied states Keep cylinders of gas below 50oC in a well ventilated area Suck back of water into the cylinder must be prevented. Do not allow back feed into the container Open valve slowly to avoid pressure shock Avoid wearing clothing where liquefied gas can accumulate, e.g. trousers with turn ups, boots that fit loosely round the leg etc. Handling of oxygen in gaseous and liquefied states Keep cylinders of gas below 50oC in a well ventilated area Suck back of water into the cylinder must be prevented. Do not allow back feed into the container Use only properly specified equipment suitable for use with oxygen Avoid contact with oils, greases and other organic material as oxygen violently reacts with these agents Keep away from ignition sources, and segregate from flammable gases and other flammable materials in store Avoid contact with reducing agents as oxygen can react violently with them Be aware that oxygen will support combustion, so if things are burning down more quickly than expected, shut off oxygen supply, ventilate and evacuate the area Avoid wearing clothing where liquefied gas can accumulate, e.g. trousers with turn ups, boots that fit loosely round the leg etc. Handling of dry ice (CO2 solid) Keep in insulated container Ensure the area is well ventilated. Note the vapour is heavier than air and will collect in confined spaces, particularly at, or below, ground level Electrical equipment has in date electrical test, leads and plugs undamaged. Chemicals and demonstrations put together according to good laboratory practice with appropriate local exhaust ventilation and appropriate personal protective equipment All glassware is checked for soundness, is very clean and uncontaminated with grease before being used. It is handled with care. Transport the minimum quantity of material required. Use appropriate trolleys for moving equipment when setting up/down, assistant and lecturers trained in manual handling techniques. Check operation of lifts at home institution, also at the venue. Carry dewars of cryogenic materials up the stairs or put the lift on to manual control and do not travel with them in the lift. Walk the route before traversing it with equipment and note potential problems. If route uneven, make use of assistants to avoid hazards, open doors etc. Work to guidelines as listed in  HYPERLINK "http://www.rsc.org/images/safetybooklet_tcm18-115083.pdf" http://www.rsc.org/images/safetybooklet_tcm18-115083.pdf i.e. Travel in well ventilated vehicle windows open and ensure dewars cannot tip. Ensure the minimum quantities of reagents and dilute solutions only are carried. Double contain reactive chemicals. Ensure oxidizing agents are physically separated from reducing agents. If cryogenic materials are carried ensure that the ratio of nitrogen:oxygen is in a ratio 4:1. Carry an appropriate fire extinguisher (powder in this case) in the vehicle and know how to use it. Ensure the fire extinguisher is maintained. As 5) As 4). Protection provided for the flooring must be taped down; fire resistant blankets may be needed for lecture bench, additional suitable and maintained fire extinguishers must be available. Know location of call points and how to manually activate the alarm. Tell the audience what the evacuation procedures are. Ensure building managers know the extent of the loss of fire detection system when the lecture room detectors are disabled. Additional checks put in place for other areas that may be affected when the detection is off in the lecture room. Stray electrical leads of equipment crossing the area must be covered with heavy rubber matting Additional ventilation, if available should be switched on, if not, windows to be opened. As 12, after a pre lecture visit by lecturer. Check whether there is any amplification/hearing loops that need to be disabled at certain times in the demonstration. Mention that if there are any people vulnerable to smoke or bright lights asthmatics, epileptics etc. it is recommended that they are seated at the back and at the end of rows so they can leave the presentation if they experience any adverse effects Mention that if anyone is using hearing aids/induction loop it would be advisable to turn these aids down or off at points in the presentation they will be told when to do this by the lecturer Ensure that the audience is seated far enough away from the demonstration bench that they will be out of harms way from any detritus that may be caused during the demonstration. Written warnings to be displayed. Verbal warnings always given at the start of the lecture re: bangs (audience instructed to plug ears and are repeated during the lecture before loud bangs); ask anyone who is using the induction loop to turn it down before loud bangs Pre-warnings given before intense flashes so that certain individuals can cover their eyes. Lecturer and assistant should wear tinted safety spectacles Local exhaust ventilation, if available, switched on otherwise doors and some windows should be opened. Minimum quantities used. As 19, ensure lecturer has appropriate, heat resistant equipment tapers, tongs, PPE. Suitable fire fighting equipment and trained personnel always available. First aid arrangements in place. Blast screens available and used at the lecturers discretion, and are replaced if they are damaged As 1) As 2) As 12) As 3) Be vigilant about the possibility of fire and have to hand suitable fire extinguishers. Know where the call points in the venue are. Know the evacuation procedure in case of fire. As 6). Check that there are no smouldering residues. Ensure fire detection in the demonstration hall is turned back on. Ensure that leads are coiled away as soon as equipment is unplugged, protective floor coverings are stacked neatly once the tape has been removed from their edges etc. As 3) Assess the cleaning operation and use appropriate overalls, gloves and dust masks if necessary.  Training pre-requisites: Competent Chemist (CChem, M¼ϲʹ) or minimum 10 years post-graduate experience handling chemicals Safe manual handling Use of portable fire extinguishers  Level of supervision required: Direct Supervision ( Adequate Competence X Obtain Advice ( General Care (Level of risk remaining: Low Emergency action: Evacuate audience. Fight fire with equipment available if it is safe to do so. References if any: N/A Signature of Assessor: Dr E M Armstrong Name of Assessor (print):Signature of Supervisor: Name of Supervisor (print):Residual risk rating after controls as outlined above are applied Severity ! Risk ! Fatal (4) >3 days (3) 1-3 days (2) Superficial (1) H (3) 12 9 6 3 M (2) 8 6 4 2 L (1) 4 3 2 1 Further controls are required for any activity with residual risk rating e" 6     Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 5 %x y z |  ' > D E F `aXY Ppq},,..9.;.V.W.x.{.|.//ܪܢܪꉐ h3 5; h3 5CJ jh3 5heh6h0J5h6hh6h5jh6h5UhMh3 5H*h)h3 5H*h?h3 5H*hdh3 5H* h6h5 h@5O5h3 h3 5 h3 5CJh3 5CJaJ2%y z  ( E $Ifgkd$$Ifld' t0644 la4 $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$ E F _ ` $Ifgkdy$$Ifld' t0644 la4       & F$Ifgd3 $Ifgkd$$Ifld' t0644 la4 E X Y _ t "DEN*+89b  & F$Ifgd3 $Ifgd3 & F$Ifgd3 $If 7d *W&'W{gkdk$$Ifld' t0644 la4$If $Ifgd3 & F$Ifgd3 WXYijgkd$$Ifld' t0644 la4$If:v{naaaa{ & F$Ifgd3 $If^gd3 $Ifgd3 & F$Ifgd3 $Ifgkd]$$Ifld' t0644 la4 a xc.<P & F$Ifgd6h & F$Ifgd3 $If^gd3 & F$Ifgd3 $Ifgd3 & F$Ifgd3 & F $Ifgd3 F` $### $$%D&'(()A*G*M*T*Z*+++.,4, & F$Ifgd3 $If^gd6h4,,,,,}w$Ifgkd$$Ifld' t0644 la4 h$If^hgd3 & F$Ifgd3 ,,,,,-N-c---=.}.$IfgkdO$$Ifld' t0644 la4 }.~.....~~~~$Ifzkd$$Ifl0d'  t0644 la4....//$IfgkdA$$Ifld' t0644 la4/////)gkd3$$Ifld' t0644 la4$Ifgkd$$Ifld' t0644 la4//////0$0:0<011111111111111111111111111񱩥h6hmHnHujh3 UhejheUh3 h0^h3 CJaJh0^h3 5CJaJh0^h3 5CJaJh0^h3 5>*CJaJh3 5>*CJaJ h3 5h(wh3 5;#/C/]/v////0$020:0~ri^i^ $$Ifa$K$ $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$gd3 zkd$$Ifl0d'  t0644 la4$If :0R0l00002kd%$IfK$L$Tlr'$* t0644 la"T $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$K$00000000>kd$IfK$L$Tlr'$* t0644 la"T$IfK$00000000>kd]$IfK$L$Tlr'$* t0644 la"T$IfK$0000001>88$Ifkd$IfK$L$Tlr'$* t0644 la"T$IfK$111111111111111ikd$$Ifltd' t0644 la40&P 1h. 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