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DELEGATE SURNAME _____________________________________________ (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) TITLE (Miss/Mrs/Ms/Mr/Dr/Prof) ____________FORENAMES______________________________________ ORGANISATION _________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ POSTCODE _______________ Tel __________________ Fax _________________ e-mail _____________________________ Method of payment (please tick one box): Cheque in GB pounds, made payable  The Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group Bank Transfer: use SortCode 30-99-93. Account Number: 00779842, at Lloyds TSB Bank, 41-43 South St., Worthing, West Sussex; BN11 3AU Quote ref: 0408 Additional Information (please tick as appropriate): I am a member of the J P A G Although $MNSThiŹ}qfYE7h 0h$ H5OJQJaJ&h 0h$ H5OJQJaJmHnHuh 0h$ HCJOJQJh 0h$ HOJQJh 0h$ H5OJQJh 0h$ HCJ'h 0h$ H5CJOJQJmHnHsHh 0h$ H6CJOJQJ^Jh 0h$ H5B* CJphh 0h$ H5CJaJh 0h5CJaJ h 0hE05B* CJaJ ph h 0h5B* CJaJ phh 0h5CJaJ$SThi ] ^ . Z O P `gd 0gd 0 ^`gd 0$a$gd 0$a$gd 04  U ] ^ g w z { | ʾypypyieipypyieiy[yOh 0h$ H5>*CJ h 0h$ H>*CJhLq h 0h$ Hh 0h3CJh 0h$ HCJh 0h$ H5CJh 0h$ H5CJh 0h$ HCJOJQJh 0h$ HCJH*OJQJh 0h$ HCJOJQJh 0h$ H5OJQJh 0h$ HOJQJh 0h$ HOJQJaJh 0h$ H5OJQJaJh 0h$ H5H*OJQJaJ      ! % & ' ( * . ? 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